Oklahoma City Convention & Meeting Services

100-300 Contracted Rooms on Peak Night  

In addition to the services provided for all groups, any conventions or sporting events that fall into this tier, we will:

  • Provide up to 5 VIP welcome gifts for board members, speakers or special guests. 

  • Provide access to our flyer for our Meet in OKC Discount Program. This program provides discounts for your attendees to local restaurants and businesses in the downtown area. 

  • Produce digital welcome signage in Bricktown and at the airport (pending downtown accommodations and based on availability).

Meet the Destination Services Team

Kellie Myers headshot

Kellie Myers Director of Destination Services

Alexis Mbroh headshot

Alexis Mbroh Destination Services Manager

Headshot of Emily Wade

Emily Wade Destination Services Manager

Photo of Visit OKC staff member, Celeste Reyes

Celeste Reyes Sales and Services Coordinator