Positive Tomorrows and other non-profits groups are working together with Arts Council Oklahoma City’s All Access Arts Program to accommodate families in need. Arts Council Oklahoma City (ACOKC) assembled art kits for families to take home in conjunction with Positive Tomorrows’ backpacks filled with home essentials initiative. “We love partnering with Positive Tomorrows and providing art supplies to spark creativity for those in need. Adding hands-on art projects to the essential needs backpack gives children much needed creative play time.” says Peter Dolese, Executive Director of ACOKC
ACOKC gathered materials and assembled 100 Art To-Go! kits. Materials include markers, colored pencils, sidewalk chalk, and more. Kits also include activity sheets and a material list. “We wanted the kits to include versatile supplies that could keep kids busy for about a month,” says Jillian Coker, All Access Arts Director. “Students can find additional resources through Arts Council OKC’s website including lessons by our teaching artist at Positive Tomorrows, Paul Medina. We can’t wait to see what the kids create!”
Art To-Go! kits have also been made for senior citizens. Teaching artists Sheila Guffey and Leigh Tomlin assembled and dropped off Art To-Go! for their senior living facilities. “Our wonderful Creative Aging teaching artists filled around 15 bags of art supplies they knew would enable their students to participate in more complex, interesting lessons,” says Coker, “The art supplies in combination with our online lessons is one way we’ve found to connect to our senior community who are completely isolated because of this pandemic.”
ACOKC is continuing inventive ways to connect with All Access Arts participants and with the community as a whole. “Because of Covid-19 we were compelled to start looking at class and performance delivery systems in a whole new way. We simply must continue to reach populations with less opportunity providing these much-needed arts experiences. The Arts To Go! Program really fits the bill. We bring the art supplies to the people in need and let their imaginations take it from there,” says Dolese.
Visit www.artscouncilokc.com for All Access Arts online curriculum, including Creative Aging lessons, and visit Arts Council Oklahoma City’s Facebook page for live streaming experiences.
Positive Tomorrows is a nonprofit who provides educational and social services for children and families experiencing homelessness. Learn more at www.positivetomorrows.org