Daffodil Days March 20 & 21 and Daffodil Tea March 28

As families continue to enjoy Spring Break at Scissortail Park through Thursday, March 18, additional activities celebrating the Park’s blooming daffodils begin this weekend. Hailing the first day of spring, Scissortail Park will host the inaugural Daffodil Days Saturday, March 20 and Sunday, March 21. On Sunday, March 28, the Park will present a Daffodil Tea event fundraiser with proceeds benefitting the Scissortail Park Foundation.

Daffodil Days at Scissortail Park pay homage to the 100,500 daffodils that have been planted throughout the Park by horticulture staff and volunteers since winter 2019. The daffodils are expected to blossom over the coming weeks creating one of the largest display of daffodils in Oklahoma City. 



Family & Friends Daffodil Parade
Saturday, March 20, 1pm
Loves Travel Stops Stage and Great Lawn
Guests are invited to dress in yellow and flower-themed costumes as well as decorate wagons, strollers, scooters, wheelchairs, and bikes. Prizes awarded for the most decorated and elaborate group entries. Categories for prizes include, “Yellowest,” “Best Family Group,” “Best Friend Group,” “Daffiest,” and “Most Creative.”

Free to enter. To expedite check in, guests can pre-register for the Daffodil Parade at https://forms.gle/jZTNSLB55EKaR5pZA

*Daffodil Dash
Sunday, March 21, 1pm
Meet at the Loves Travel Stops Stage and Great Lawn to enter each dash.
Three different races available to various levels and age groups.

3K Run at 1pm
Entry Fee: $5 Scissortail Park Members, $7 Nonmembers

1 Mile Run/Walk at 3pm
Entry Fee: $2 Scissortail Park Members, $3 Nonmembers

Kids Dash at 4pm
Entry Fee: $2 Scissortail Park Members, $3 Nonmembers
Kids Dash will be broken into three categories: Ages 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.

Daffodil Dash Registration: http://bit.ly/DaffodilDash2021


Daffodil Dog Costume Contest
Sunday, March 21, 2pm
Loves Travel Stops Stage and Great Lawn
Guests are invited to bring their dog to Scissortail Park on Sunday afternoon in their best daffodil costume. Prizes will be awarded in multiple categories including, “Big Dog Category,” “Little Dog Category,” “Yellowest Dog,” “Daffiest Dog,” and “Most Creative Dog.”

Free to enter. To expedite check in, guests can pre-register for the Daffodil Dog Costume Contest at: https://forms.gle/sjB9Dwy99GhxrCir6


*Daffodil Tea
Sunday, March 28, 3pm
The Colonnade at Union Station
Guests are invited to enjoy a spring tea party at Scissortail Park. Tea and refreshments served in the covered porch in front of Union Station. Party attendees are encouraged to wear yellow and daffodil-themed hats. Prizes will be awarded for hats in the following categories, “Most Creative,” “Most Elaborate,” “Most Yellow,” and “Biggest.”

Ticket Prices
Scissortail Park Members: $24 per adult member, $12 for age 10 and under

Nonmembers: $30 per adult, $15 for kids age 10 and under

Tickets: http://bit.ly/DaffodilTea2021