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Oklahoma City Council voted on Tuesday to extend the City’s mask ordinance in indoor public places until at least March 5.

The emergency public safety ordinance was set to expire January 22, but Tuesday’s action moved the expiration date to March 5. The Council has discretion to revisit the expiration date at future meetings.

Public health officials say face coverings are key to slowing the spread of COVID-19. Cases are growing at a slower rate in cities in Oklahoma with mask mandates when compared to cities without them, according to public health data.

You can watch the presentation in video from the meeting on the City’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/cityofokc.

Evidence shows there’s a high risk of infected people spreading the virus with their breath if they don’t use a face covering. Evidence also shows infected people can spread the virus even if they don’t have symptoms, underscoring the importance of mask-wearing even for people who feel healthy.

Free signs about the mask requirement to print for display at local businesses and other public spaces, along with social media graphics and animations, are available on a public shared drive at covid19.okc.gov. The free signs are available in English, Spanish (español), Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt), Arabic (عربى) and Korean (한국어).

Visit covid19.okc.gov for the latest on the coronavirus in Oklahoma City.